Implementing the ACA: How Much Will It Help Vulnerable Adolescents & Young Adults? English A, Scott J, Park MJ. Chapel Hill, NC: Center for Adolescent Health & the Law; and San Francisco, CA: National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center, 2014.
The Supreme Court ACA Decision: What Happens Now for Adolescents and Young Adults
The Supreme Court ACA Decision: What Happens Now for Adolescents and Young Adults. English A, Park MJ. Chapel Hill, NC: Center for Adolescent Health & the Law; and San Francisco, CA: National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center, 2012.
Access to Health Care for Young Adults: The Affordable Care Act is Making a Difference
Access to Health Care for Young Adults: The Affordable Care Act is Making a Difference. English A, Park MJ. Chapel Hill, NC: Center for Adolescent Health & the Law; and San Francisco, CA: National Adolescent Health Information and Innovation Center, 2012.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: How Does It Help Adolescents and Young Adults
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: How Does It Help Adolescents and Young Adults. English A. Chapel Hill, NC: Center for Adolescent Health & the Law; and San Francisco, CA: National Adolescent Health Information and Innovation Center, 2010.
Confidentiality for Individuals Insured as Dependents: A Review of State Laws and Policies (2012)
State Minor Consent Laws: A Summary, Third Edition
Please go to our online ordering page or download an order form.
The Center for Adolescent Health & the Law has released the third edition of State Minor Consent Laws: A Summary! This landmark publication provides detailed information about the laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia that allow minors to consent for their own health care. These laws have evolved over several decades and play a key role in adolescents’ access to a broad range of health care services that are important for protecting their health.
This 300 page monograph includes for each state a general overview of how the state’s laws address minor consent and a specific summary, with citations, of each relevant law. Some of the laws allow minors to consent for health care because they have a specific status – such as emancipated minor – and others allow minors to consent for specific health services – such as testing and treatment for sexually transmitted disease. The monograph also includes summaries of laws providing for confidentiality and disclosure of information related to the care for which minors are allowed to consent.
To accompany the specific state information, the monograph includes a detailed introduction with an overview of the legal framework for consent and confidentiality in adolescent health care, appendices with additional resources, and a chart containing an overview of minor consent laws in the states.
This monograph is an essential reference for health care professionals, lawyers, and other youth advocates and service providers working to increase access to health care for adolescents. It contains detailed, reliable, up-to-date legal information related to health care access for young people who are emancipated, homeless, married, or parents as well as laws related to contraception, pregnancy, STDs, HIV, drug and alcohol use, and outpatient mental health services.
State Minor Consent Laws: A Summary, 3rd Edition: $75.00 (introductory price)
You will receive an electronic copy of the document immediately, and a print copy within two weeks.
State Minor Consent Laws: A Summary, 3rd Edition Individual States: $35.00 (discounts available for more than one state)
You will receive an electronic copy of the document immediately.
This document contains all introductory material and appendices from the full monograph and a summary of that state’s laws.
Please go to our online ordering page or download an order form.
If you experience any difficulties with our on-line ordering or with downloading the order form, please contact Abigail English at
Highlights and Hazards: What Do the Current Health Care Reform Bills Do for Adolescents & Young Adults (November 2009)
The Center for Adolescent Health & the Law, in collaboration with the National Adolescent Health Information and Innovation Center (NAHIIC) at the University of California, San Francisco, has produced Highlights and Hazards: What Do the Current Health Care Reform Bills Do for Adolescents & Young Adults?
This fact sheet provides an overview of measures in the three health bills that are currently in play in the U.S. Congress that are particularly noteworthy for adolescents and young adults. H.R. 3962, the Senate Finance bill, and the Senate HELP bill are analyzed to identify “highlights” – provisions that would be particularly beneficial for this important and often neglected age group – and “hazards” – provisions that could be harmful to these young people.
Understanding Legal Aspects of Care (2009)
Understanding Legal Aspects of Care. English A. In: Neinstein, L.S., ed. Handbook of Adolescent Health Care. New York: Walters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 74-78.
Health Care for Homeless Youth: Policy Options for Improving Access (2008)
The Center for Adolescent Health & the Law, in collaboration with the Public Policy Analysis Center for Middle Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adults Health at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF Policy Center) has produced Health Care for Homeless Youth: Policy Options for Improving Access.
The issue brief describes homeless youth, a small but highly vulnerable population with significant health care needs, and the substantial financial and consent and confidentiality barriers these young people experience when trying to access health care services. It explains how health care access can be improved for this population, by describing how Medicaid and SCHIP currently reach adolescents and young adults, and how these two programs can be expanded to help homeless youth. The brief emphasizes the important opportunity presented by options available to the states, such as the Foster Care Independence Act, HIFA waivers, and Ribicoff youth, and summarizes the policy options that can best improve access to health care for homeless youth. It also discusses state minor consent laws and how they could be used to make health care services more accessible to homeless youth.
Lawyer for Children Left Out, Left Alone, and Left Behind: The Personal Odyssey of an Adolescent Health Advocates
Lawyer for Children Left Out, Left Alone, and Left Behind: The Personal Odyssey of an Adolescent Health Advocates. English A. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2008;42:422-428.