Legal Basis of Consent for Health Care and Vaccination for Adolescents. English A, Shaw FE, McCauley MM, Fishbein D. Pediatrics. 2008;121:S85-S87.
Understanding Legal Aspects of Care (2008)
Understanding Legal Aspects of Care. English A. In Neinstein, L.S., ed. Adolescent Health Care: A Practical Guide, Fifth Edition. New York: Walters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008, 124-132.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for Adolescents: Legal Rights and Policy Challenges
Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for Adolescents: Legal Rights and Policy Challenges. English A. Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. 2007;18:571-581.
Helping Teens Stay Healthy and Safe: Health Care, Birth Control and Confidential Services (2007)
The Center for Adolescent Health & the Law and Healthy Teen Network have produced a set of resources entitled Helping Teens Stay Healthy and Safe: Health Care, Birth Control and Confidential Services.
The Helping Teens Stay Healthy and Safe series is the result of a year long investigation of how teen access to confidential services is affected when a state’s laws are unclear or not well understood. Offering confidential services is often necessary for teens to access essential preventive care. Even so, not all states explicitly authorize minors to consent for contraceptive services and even in those that do confusion about how and when teens may access confidential services often prevails – among administrators, clinical care providers, clinic support staff, teens, and parents.
This comprehensive series of brochures offers guidance to health care providers, teens, and parents of teens about ways they can deliver, receive, and support adolescents’ access to confidential contraceptive services.
Healthy Teen Network is a national membership network founded on the belief that youth can make responsible decisions about their sexuality and reproductive health when they have complete, accurate and culturally relevant information, skills, resources and support. For more information, visit
Download Report PDFs: Intro | Full Report
Download Brochures: Guide for Teens | Guide for Parents | Guide for Providers
More Evidence Supports the Need to Protect Confidentiality in Adolescent Health Care
More Evidence Supports the Need to Protect Confidentiality in Adolescent Health Care. English A. Ford CA. Journal of Adolescent Health.. 2007;40:199-200. (editorial)
Health Insurance for Older Adolescents and Young Adults: Policy Options to Expand Coverage (2006)
The Center for Adolescent Health & the Law has produced Health Insurance for Older Adolescents and Young Adults: Policy Options to Expand Coverage.
The issue brief describes the health status and health care needs of older adolescents and young adults. It reviews the current status of health insurance coverage for this age group and discusses improvements over the past several years resulting from expansions in public programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The brief outlines a series of policy options for improving health insurance coverage for this age group, provides examples of efforts to implement these options, and explores the potential barriers and obstacles to implementation.
Youth Leaving Foster Care and Homeless Youth: Ensuring Access to Health Care
Youth Leaving Foster Care and Homeless Youth: Ensuring Access to Health Care. English A. Temple Law Review. 2006;79:439-459.
Health Care for Adolescents and Young Adults Leaving Foster Care: Policy Options for Improving Access (2006)
The Center for Adolescent Health & the Law, in collaboration with the Public Policy Analysis Center for Middle Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adults Health at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF Policy Center) has produced Health Care for Adolescents and Young Adults Leaving Foster Care: Policy Options for Improving Access.
The issue brief describes the young people who are aging out of foster care, their health status, and the barriers to securing health care they face when leaving foster care. It explains how health care access can be improved for this population, by describing how Medicaid and SCHIP currently reach adolescents and young adults, and how these two programs can be used to help former foster youth. The brief emphasizes the important opportunity presented by the Medicaid Expansion Option contained in the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, and summarizes the policy options that can best improve access to health care for former foster youth.
Children’s Health Under Medicaid – A National Review of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment: 1999-2003
Children’s Health Under Medicaid – A National Review of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment: 1999-2003. Perkins J, Stinnett A, Somers S, Olson K. Los Angeles, CA: National Health Law Program, 2005.
(Copies available through the National Health Law Program.)
Policy Compendium on Confidential Health Services for Adolescents, Second Edition (2005)
The Center for Adolescent Health & the Law has produced: Policy Compendium on Confidential Health Services for Adolescents, Second Edition, 2005, edited by Madlyn C. Morreale, Amy J. Stinnett, and Emily C. Dowling and published by the Center for Adolescent Health & the Law in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
The Compendium contains excerpts from the official policies of 20 professional medical and health care organizations whose members are involved in the care of adolescents. The Compendium includes material drawn from organizational position statements; resolutions; position or policy papers; comments submitted in response to proposed regulations; testimony or letters submitted to Congress or the Administration; codes or principles of ethics; and other formal organizational practice guidelines. The material drawn from these formal policy documents is organized and analyzed according to such themes as the rationale for supporting confidential health care for the general population and for adolescents in particular; policies and procedures to protect confidentiality; the role of parents and guardians in adolescent health care; the importance of informing adolescents and parents about confidentiality protections and limits to those protections; policies about informed consent and confidentiality for specific services; confidentiality concerns for particular populations of adolescents; and statements about confidentiality in particular health care settings. The Compendium includes both verbatim quotes from the policy documents themselves and extensive tables analyzing the material. This second edition of Policy Compendium on Confidential Health Services for Adolescents, resulted from a collaboration between the Center for Adolescent Health & the Law, the American Medical Association (AMA), and members of the AMA National Coalition on Adolescent Health and the AMA Educational Forum on Adolescent Health.
Electronic copies (pdf format) of the Compendium are available free of charge.
Table of Contents
Preface & Introduction (pdf)
Key Findings & Tables (pdf)
General Statements about the Importance of Confidentiality (pdf)
General Policy Statements that Address Adolescents’ Access to Confidential Health Care, Including the Roles of Parents and Guardians in Adolescent Health Care and Procedures to Safeguard Adolescents’ Confidentiality (pdf)
Policy Statements about Confidentiality Concerns for Particular Populations of Adolescents (pdf)
Adolescents who have run away, are homeless, or are living on the street Adolescents in state custody Adolescents who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender Pregnant and parenting adolescents
Preventive health services Dental Services Contraception, pregnancy-related services, abortion, and other reproductive health services Testing and treatment for HIV and sexually transmitted infections Mental health and substance abuse services
Policy Statements about Confidentiality in Particular Health Care Settings (pdf)
Schools and school health centers College health services Emergency departments Managed care settings
References (pdf)
Appendix A: Contact Information for Organizations Represented in this Compendium (pdf)
Appendix B: Index by Organization (pdf)
Appendix C: Significance of the HIPAA Privacy Rule for Health Care of Adolescents (pdf)
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