The Supreme Court ACA Decision: What Happens Now for Adolescents and Young Adults. English A, Park MJ. Chapel Hill, NC: Center for Adolescent Health & the Law; and San Francisco, CA: National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center, 2012.
Access to Health Care for Young Adults: The Affordable Care Act is Making a Difference
Access to Health Care for Young Adults: The Affordable Care Act is Making a Difference. English A, Park MJ. Chapel Hill, NC: Center for Adolescent Health & the Law; and San Francisco, CA: National Adolescent Health Information and Innovation Center, 2012.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: How Does It Help Adolescents and Young Adults
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: How Does It Help Adolescents and Young Adults. English A. Chapel Hill, NC: Center for Adolescent Health & the Law; and San Francisco, CA: National Adolescent Health Information and Innovation Center, 2010.
The Future of the Affordable Care Act: Will Adolescents & Young Adults Get What They Need?
October 14, 2013
Keynote presentation on the implications of the Affordable Care Act for adolescents and young adults at the University of Virginia 8th Teen Culture Conference.
View the presentation (pdf)
The Affordable Care Act is Here (To Stay): What Will It Mean for Adolescents, Young Adults, & Their Access to Sexual & Reproductive Health Services
September 10, 2013
Invited presentation on the implications of the Affordable Care Act for adolescent and young adult access to sexual and reproductive health services at the Minnesota Sexual and Reproductive Health Update.
View the presentation (pdf)
Implementing the Affordable Care Act: Will Adolescents & Young Adults Get What They Need?
May 23, 2013
Invited presentation on the implications of the Affordable Care Act for adolescents and young adults at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Policy Lab and Division of Adolescent Medicine.
View the presentation (pdf)
Access to Health Care for Young Adults: Impact & Implications of the Affordable Care Act
May 8, 2013
Invited presentation on the implications of the Affordable Care Act for young adults at a workshop on “Improving the Health Safety and Well-Being of Young Adults” at the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council.
View the presenation (pdf)
EMRs, Billing, & Insurance Claims: Protecting the Confidentiality of Adolescents & Young Adults
May 4, 2013
Invited plenary presentation on confidentiality for adolescents and young adults in the health insurance claims process at the Pediatric Academic Societies.
View the presentation (pdf)
The Affordable Care Act Is Here (To Stay!): Will It Ensure Access to Contraception and Other Reproductive Heatlh Services for Adolescents and Young Adults?
April 6, 2013
Invited presentation on the implications of the Affordable Care Act for adolescent and young adult access to sexual and reproductive health services at the Physicians for Reproductive Health ARSHEP Training.
View the presentation (pdf)
Paying Attention to Adolescents & Young Adults – Coverage Issues and Special Concerns When Implementing the Affordable Care Act
March 20, 2013
Invited presentation on special considerations for adolescents and young adults in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act on the monthly webinar of the National Academy for State Health Policy Children in the Vanguard project.
View the presentation (pdf)